The most viable civs for doing this are the Franks, Mongols, Persians, and Teutons. Once in castle, you just spam a ton of knights. A reasonable time to make it to castle is around 17 minutes. Catle Age strategies: The most viable strategies in castle age generally rely on the knight. Scout/Men at arms rushing is more like a xbow/pike rush because its pretty all in, but an archer flush is more like a semi ff. You want to age to Some people, like the goths can do a men-at-arms rush. If you can kill alot of your opponents eco you can win here. You make archers or scouts in the fuedal age and raid your opponent's resources. (Note: you will be significantly far behind if this fails) Fuedal rush (flush) It's pretty common, pretty much the equivalent of a cav heavy semi-ff in aoe3 (more than 5 huss). You can keep the opponent away from their food/wood and win the game by getting far ahead if the all-in does not fail. Super basic strategies: Dark age rush (cheese) This is a 3/4 militia + starting scout rush designed to catch the opponent off guard if they do not scout. Note: Arabia is one of the most popular/balanced maps.